I have a message of hope to share with you today.
Quite a few years ago, before Glory was born, I had a sweet friend who lost her toddler-age son to an illness. As she went through what was, I'm sure, the hardest part of her life, I followed her story as she displayed courage and strength. Since her son's death we have communicated a few times but the seasons of our lives took us in different directions.
What she had went through, I thought, was the worst thing that could possibly happen to a mother. When I thought of her son's death, I only saw darkness. As far as I knew, if your child passed away, your life was over. There could be no more happiness for that mother. No more joy.
Oh, how wrong I was. I could only see one part of my friend's story. I assumed the death of a child was an event that happened, defeated you - end of story.
I want to tell you today - I have been blessed, friends, to get to meet one amazing little girl. And the fulfillment of her earthly purpose was only the beginning of my story. I want to tell you that today I have greater joy than I have ever had. I am scarred forever by love.
This is amazing grace...
This is unfailing love...
That You would take my place...
That You would bear my cross.
These lyrics by Phil Wickham spoke to me this morning. What do you think is impossible today? What do you think you could never survive? I want to know! Because I want to tell you that an unexplainable joy comes in the morning.
Be patient, friends, and you will be scarred by a love that will bring you through the impossible...