
Yesterday I began a conversation like this -

"When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter..."

I really don't begin stories like that too often - leaving the listener assuming Glory is at home arguing with her older sister about whose turn it is to play the Mermaids game on the iPad.  Most of the time I am telling Glory's story from the beginning through the time she went to heaven and how her life changed mine. 

But yesterday I stopped short of explaining.  Why?  I don't know.  No mention of her illness.  No indication of her only having half of a heart.  Giving no clue that my youngest daughter had already fulfilled her purpose and moved on to bigger and better things.

Now that I think about it, the story was really about me - surprise.  It was the story of how I first knew Glory was coming.  The story about how I drove into the Braum's drive-thru one afternoon and ordered an orange sherbet freeze instead of a chocolate milkshake.  The story about how I began to crave everything orange-flavored, but didn't want an actual orange.  You know - orange #5 dyes and artificial flavors - those things.  Orange Fanta, Orange Crush, Orange Sunkist.  I perfected an Orange Chocolate-Chunk Pound Cake - and it did include actual oranges that grow on trees (REALLY yummy recipe - I can give it to you if you're interested).

When I was craving orange-flavored sodas I had no clue I wouldn't be holding the tips of her fingers while she took her first steps.  Or buying her first backpack for Kindergarten.  So I just continued my story...but only I knew how my craving for orange dye #5 (or whatever it is) was the beginning of a most amazing with no end.  Have I said that before?  ;)