Do you ever have days when you feel like you can't hear God? Maybe a few weeks? A few months or years even? Maybe your life is moving along with no major catastrophic detours but the connection you had been enjoying with your Creator has seemed non-existent.
I've said before that I have no words to write unless they come from Him. So even though I know I am called to share with you I have to rely solely on my Creator for words to share. That can get rough because the world has created it's own rules regarding blogging and social media stating how many times a week I should post, when I should post, and what I should post to be the most effective and successful.
But sometimes my Creator is silent. Which means that I am silent. And in that there is a lot of freedom. But also a lot of responsibility.
You all have stood with me in the #wordbeforeworld challenge that I wrote about here. As we accelerate through each month I find my covenant to be in the #wordbeforeworld becoming increasingly crowded out by the world's frantic pace. I find myself mindlessly scanning Instagram more and more to combat exhaustion instead of spending time in prayer. I find myself tuning in to Savannah and Hoda on the Today show before I've been in the Word. Before long I begin thinking there is no way I can share about what God is speaking to me because I haven't heard from him in two weeks.
The world is very loud.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2”
Is God not speaking or have I just been turning up the volume on the world's radio player and drowning out His voice? How can we be expected to hear the voice of our Father if our mind is stuck in the noisy rut of the world we live in? Romans 12:2 tells us that God desires to show us His will for our lives - if we can keep our thoughts on Him.
The enemy would like nothing more than to give us a gentle nudge off into that dark rut filled with the mud and crud of busyness (defined by as lively but useless activity btw), noise, and distractions. And this is where our faith must rush on the scene - we must have faith in God's word and believe that He means what He says...
“The Lord himself goes before you and WILL BE WITH YOU; HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU or forsake you...
Deuteronomy 31:8”
Our God never goes away or stops desiring to speak to us and reveal His perfect will to us. I will not be conforming to the world's standards for social media and blog posting here, but I will make sure that I am spending time EACH DAY listening to what God wants me to write. Friends, let's continue to move forward together and be disciplined in deciding to tune out the world's noises and jump out of our rut of busyness (or whatever it may be) to hear our Father's voice.
Just as we don't doubt that the trees will produce green leaves in the spring, so should we not doubt that our Creator will be ready and willing to reveal himself to us when we listen.