
We have been SO EXCITED TO FORMALLY ANNOUNCE THE GLORY GIRL FOUNDATION AND INTRODUCE THIS WEBSITE!  This is a work-in-progress, but my God has been faithful every step of the way to provide the resources and the way and we have no reason to think that He will not continue to build this Foundation of love in the future!  

Ecclesiastes 11:4 says, "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done."  Along with my family and friends who are offering amazing support, I know that it is our season to act.  In the past I have been guilty of waiting on perfect conditions before beginning this Foundation.  But those were the conditions I had created - not God's.  Through much confirmation from so many of you I know that God's perfect conditions are right now!

Matthew 25:23 says, "Well done, my good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities.  Let's celebrate together!"  These words spoken by Jesus explain two things to me: 1) I don't have to know the extent to which God is calling me to serve.  But this is the season for me to start putting action behind my servant's heart.  2) I don't need to feel guilty about the joy I feel in helping and supporting others.  God says, "Let's celebrate!"  This is the joy He speaks about that is unexplainable because it doesn't align with the mentality of our fallen world.  

Paul wrote in Galations 1:10 on his first missionary journey that, "...if I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."  I will check my heart daily for intention.  I do not take the responsibilities given to me lightly.  God did not waste my pain but has called me to serve in an area that I can relate to.  He has called me to invite you to help - in the Body of Christ nothing ever gets done to it's full potential by working alone.  God always wants to involve more of His children.

Is our heart logo not awesome??!!  Look closely and you can see a "G" in it.  Jake Steininger at Star 7 Creative designed it, so if you see him tell him you love it!  And Jessica Wooden at Artifex 323 designed and created our website and I am SO pleased!  This is where you can read about our progress as we move forward in supporting these families in new ways, make a donation to the Glory Girl Foundation, send us a note and let us know that you would like to serve with us, purchase a t-shirt with all proceeds going to our families, and read Glory's Story if you haven't yet. Please join us as we celebrate the valley we have traveled through together and the unspeakable joy in serving on the other side...  

SAVE THE DATE!!  The GG Foundation Summer Bunco Event will be Friday, June 12 from 7-9 at Madame's Main Attraction in downtown Van Buren!  Jake is working on our official invite so more details will be coming soon!