September 26, 2011

I know I haven’t been updating everyone through e-mail lately…we’ve just been so busy with Glory being sick, and, I’m just not very good at keeping up with communication.  But I did want to take a minute to let you all know the background of what is going on.  The last heart surgery that Glory had (last November) was to hopefully help her left pulmonary artery to grow.  We found out a few weeks ago through a heart cath procedure that her pulmonary arteries have either not grown or grown very little.  This was very disappointing.  She was very sick after the cath procedure and became very dehydrated and was admitted back to the CVICU.  She has recovered very well (as she has been known to doJ ), and, in the last week, her doctors have been trying to prepare her to go home for a few weeks before the next heart surgery that the doctors want to try.  However, the last couple of days her oxygen sats have been pretty low, and they just decided a few minutes ago that she should stay in the hospital before her next surgery.  I really wanted her to get to spend some more days at home…I wanted her to be able to sit outside some since the weather is nice….I wanted to have our friend Jessica come take some more pics of Glory with us.  I’m trying to be positive and tell myself that she will be back home with us.  I feel I’m not doing a good job of that right now.   
Her next heart surgery will probably be in the next couple of weeks…it will be a very hard surgery for her.  They will replace the two shunts that she already has with larger shunts.  This will hopefully allow for more blood flow to the pulmonary arteries so that they will grow.  They have told me that there are no guarantees that this will help her pulmonary arteries to grow, but her doctor knows how strong she has proven to be and wants to give her this chance.  I am asking for you to pray for her and everyone who cares for her.  I wish that each of you could be with her for a dayJ  She is strong.  She fights.  She is laid-back and happy.  I have always said that if today was her last day, it would be ok…she was loved.  Today I’m wondering if it would be ok.  I can’t imagine her having another heart surgery.  She’s so happy and full of smiles (most of those with her tongue sticking outJ).  I attached a pic of her a few days after her first heart surgery and a pic of her just a few weeks ago (at home after Eliana had her under her control for a few minutes).
I wanted to tell you all what is going on so that you can be strong when I can’t be.  She needs your hope and prayers….I know that God is still in control of her little life…I trust that He knows what is best…
Kerry Morton