November 26, 2010

I just wanted to quickly update everyone on Glory's current condition so that you can pray for her accordingly.  From a cardiac standpoint, she is doing fairly well.  The surgeon said that he was able to accomplish what he wanted to do with this surgery.  Also, I had requested prayer for her excessive bleeding and her kidney function after the surgery, and both of those issues have gotten much better....thank you!!  What the doctors are concerned with now is her condition from a respiratory standpoint.  As I have mentioned, her left lung has always caused her problems, and it is continuing to at this point.  However, since Glory has breathed on her own before, they want to give her a chance to again before other options are explored.  Their plan is to try to take her off of the ventilator on Sunday.  Please be in prayer that her lungs will strengthen and mature so that she can breathe on her own....Sunday will be a big day for her. Also pray that her heart surgery will successfully enable her pulmonary artery to grow so that she can move forward to receive her next heart surgery. 
She has rested so well the last few days...we are so thankful.  She has smiled at all of us which is a huge blessing.  As Thanksgiving has come and gone, I can honestly say that I have found more to be thankful for this year than in years past.  Truthfully, those things have always been there, maybe I just didn't see them.  It was strangely refreshing in a way to not worry about whether to make Rotel dip or a cheese ball,  stuffing or dressing, or chocolate pie or chocolate cake (how could you go wrong?!?!).  The heartache that is here in this hospital is here year-round.  And that heartache has strangely brought a new awareness of God's blessings. 
Please take a moment to read my sister-in-law's blog post at titled "Thanks for Nothing" is a great summary of what Thanksgiving has meant to our family this year (and it’s not “nothing”J). 
So, we continue to pray for Glory to be comfortable and in no pain.  And that God will bring swift healing to her body...  Thank you all...