May 22, 2010
Hi everyone…I can’t begin to thank all of you for continuing to travel this amazing journey with our family and the amazing Glory Girl. I’m not sending this e-mail to everyone, only a few of you that have been so faithful in weeping when we weep, rejoicing when we rejoice…essentially taking this burden upon yourselves. And I know you are those who will be faithful to pray. Glory is doing SO much better…I’m pretty sure they will take her breathing tube outtomorrow and we will begin to wean her off of these medicines again. She had a great 10-month birthday.
This prayer request is actually not for Glory…it is for Eliana. This Tuesday (day after tomorrow), Eliana will be having a heart echo to check her heart function at ACH. She has always had a minor heart murmur which we have not been concerned about until now (since Glory has a congenital heart defect). Eliana had her 4-year old check-up with a great pediatrician here in Little Rock who also has 2 children, one with Hypoplastic Left Heart (bet you can guess why we chose herJ). Dr. Skelly listened to her heart and didn’t say anything about a murmur. I brought it up (that previous doctors had mentioned it). She said it was very minor, but that we were definitely warranted in having her heart checked. She said that her family did the same thing. So…this is largely in part for me and Philip and peace of mind, but I know that there is a chance something could always be wrong. I have enjoyed Glory’s birthday today and then just looked at my calendar a few minutes ago and was reminded of Eliana’s appointment on Tuesday. Fear has set into my heart. I just feel that I can’t possibly handle anything else right now.
I am asking for prayer for Eliana, the doctors, and for us on Tuesday. Please pray for mercy for our family.
I hope this all makes sense…I am writing this really quicklyJ I know I can rely on you to pray…I will let you know how the appointment goes…
We love you all,
Kerry Morton