June 8, 2010
Well, we have one more little piece of the puzzle…a bit of good news!!...my OB doctor in Little Rock called yesterday afternoon and told me that the preliminary screening results from my amniocentesis are coming back negative for any genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. We are excited about this…it is preliminary, but she said the results are about 96 or 99% accurate (I can’t remember for sure). So we are praying that it continues in that direction…the final report will be back probably this Friday or Monday. I am still having some contractions from the procedure, but I really think it is ok…they told me to expect some. They are still wanting me to “take it easy” and visit my doctor here, who we will see either today or tomorrow.
Another bit of good news…WE HAVE A NAME for this girl. As some of you know, Philip and I have been trying to name her for months now, and nothing fit exactly. We had four or five names picked out (other than the name Eliana picked out, which was LuLu), but nothing seemed quite right. I couldn’t understand why we couldn’t settle on a name. I remember thinking a few weeks ago that God would name her in His own time. I wish it did not have to be under these circumstances, but He has put a name on our hearts. And, oddly enough, it is nowhere near any of the names we were throwing around to begin with. Her name is
Glory Danielle Morton
Her first name is from my overall desire in this situation…that our God be glorified. With your prayers, I believe we will be ok as long as God is glorified through her life. Her middle name, as some of you may have guessed, is after my brother, Daniel. Our lives have been and always will be closely intertwined, no matter how many miles are between us. Thankfully, he was with us in Little Rock when we received the news about Glory’s condition. I could list a million reasons why she’ll share his name, but, to both Philip and me, it fits perfectly.
I want to sincerely thank each one of you again for listening to my long e-mails and thoughts, and most of all for your prayers. There is really no way I can ever repay you, except that I now know on an even deeper level than before how important prayer really is, and I am ready at any time to pray for you and your family.
Much love,
The Mortons