June 16, 2010

Hello, everyone…
Well, we have received a few more pieces of good news…the final results of my amniocentesis came back, and it was completely negative.  This rules out numerous chromosomal abnormalities and syndromes that the doctors were concerned about.   They are going to continue to do one more test on the amniotic fluid that requires a bit more detailed analysis than what they look for in their normal “scan”.  Hopefully, it will rule out one more abnormality (which I can’t recall the name of, right nowJ)…I think they are just trying to test for everything that they possibly can before she is born so there will be as few surprises as possible.  They have told us that it is very positive news that these tests are having good results. 
We saw my regular OB in Fort Smith today for our weekly check-up, and it all went very well.  They checked my amniotic fluid level by ultrasound, and it is still quite elevated.  However, based on numerous other factors, the Dr. still doesn’t believe we are to the point where I need to have an additional amniocentesis with the purpose of draining some of the fluid.  I was really glad since that does not sound like fun at all.  They still did not see any fluid in her stomach (which is what is indicating an issue with her swallowing/esophagus/stomach).  Of course, I was hoping they would have seen some this time, but he told us this is still something that could possibly correct itself at birth…we just probably won’t know until she gets here.  The ultrasound tech did a test on her where she watched her on the ultrasound, and the baby has 30 minutes to perform 8 functions (breathe, open mouth, move, etc.), and Glory scored 8 out of 8 in about 10 minutes!  She is very active, and is growing at a consistent, normal rate.  She weighs almost 5 pounds now.  That is very good news. 
We are scheduled to go to Little Rock on Friday the 25th of this month to have another ultrasound and fetal echocardiogram to see if they can tell any more information about her heart.  They are also wanting us to tour Children’s Hospital and meet the surgeons.  The nurse called a couple of days ago and said that they might have to reschedule it for either Tuesday or Wednesday of that week, and I will update you when we know for sure.  They are trying to schedule as many things as they can in one day so we can limit the number of times we have to drive back and forth. 
The last 2 or 3 days have been rough for me, mentally and spiritually speaking.  I am doing much better now, thanks to all of your prayers.  I know we can expect to have ups and downs.  My hope seemed to be fading, but I can feel it coming back, now.  I have attached an amazing 4D ultrasound picture of Glory from Little Rock.  She looks just like a Morton Girl.  As I have requested of so many of you, please pray for her as you feel the Spirit leading you.  Sometimes I feel guilty because I don’t know how to pray, or that I pray for her to be comfortable while not praying or believing for a miracle.  I know that my God is much bigger than my inability to express my prayers or sort out my feelings.  I also know He can do anything at anytime.  And I am Glory’s mother and a woman of God, so I will continue to press forward expecting God to do what He wants to do and what will bring Him glory…He is in control. 
Well, I’ve sent another lengthy narrative.  Maybe when you see “Glory Morton” in your subject line in your Inbox, you’ll be able to find a cup of coffee and a snack and kick-back for a few minutes.  I’ve become one of THOSE PEOPLE who send extremely long e-mails which could have been said in a couple of sentences.  I’ve become a lot of things I never thought I would be in the last few days.  Again, I’ll never be able to thank all of you enough for prayers, thoughts, food, and true friendship.  Oh, and please check out Daniel and Kayla’s blog at rupplife.blogspot.com…Kayla posted a great story about Glory.  I love you all…
Kerry Morton