July 9, 2010

Well, we are “settled” in Little Rock until Glory is ready to arrive
I had my appointment with my OB in Little Rock on Wednesday at 1:30, and they do not want me far from UAMS Labor and Delivery until Glory is born.  I had pretty regular contractions all the way to Little Rock, and the Dr. said it is because of all of the fluid.  They admitted me to Labor and DeliveryWednesday night for observation, and, since my contractions decreased and everything else looked stable for the time being, released me late yesterday afternoon.  We are participating in a program that UAMS offers that allows us to stay at a hotel near UAMS and still receive any care that I might need from the staff at the hospital.  As one of my good friends wrote in a card she sent to me...God truly is working out the details under the circumstances.  We have a nice suite where we can have two separate bedrooms and kitchen area, which makes it much more comfortable since we will be here for a while. 
Eliana is having a GREAT time…she thinks we are on vacation!  All she talks about is going to the zoo, so Philip and my mom are taking her today (unless they get rained out).  I am so happy and blessed to have such wonderful and close family that has traveled with us to Little Rock EVERY TIME we have come.  My mom, Philip’s mom, Barry and Sarah came with us on Wednesday and stayed overnight with Philip and Eliana while I was in the hospital.  And, as an aside, Eliana’s hair had never looked better since Aunt Sarah was braiding itJ (mommy tries but it just doesn’t look the same). 
The dr. has given us an option to do a procedure next week similar to an amniocentesis where they take some additional amniotic fluid and somehow determine if Glory’s lungs are developed enough to deliver her next week.  We are undecided on this, but I told the dr. yesterday that as long as I was still able to breatheJ  we would probably try to let her continue to grow until her scheduled date of delivery.  At this point, we really have to take it day by day, though.  Things seem to be changing fast.  We do have internet access here at our little “home”, so we can send and receive e-mails.    
Thank you all so much, again (how many times can I say it!??), for all of your prayers.  Please continue to pray that God will bless our time here in Little Rock and that he will protect our family as they travel back and forth.  Please pray for my family that is not able to come because of health reasons or because they are so graciously taking care of our things in Van Buren.  Also, please pray for my brother, as I know he is extremely anxious that he will not be here when Glory is born if she comes unexpectedly.  He’s either anxious about that or just wanting to get a few hours closer to Paul’s Bakery, I’m not sure.  Also, we are trying to pray more boldly for Glory for wholeness and healing, although it is hard for me right now as the last few days have been a whirlwind. 
I am praying for God to bless each of you and your families because of your faithfulness to pray for us, feed us, and take care of us in ways I could never have imagined.
All of our love,
The Mortons