July 27, 2010
Hello, everyone…
I just wanted to give you a quick update before Glory’s surgery tomorrow. Sorry I have not sent more updates, but between trying to recover myself, getting to the hospital to see Glory, and trying to entertain Eliana…things are pretty busy here!!
Glory is doing great! All of the doctors have commented on how good all of her vital signs are in spite of everything else going on. She does have a breathing tube in, but she has been breathing above it for a few days now. The only reason they are not taking it out is because of her surgery tomorrow, and she will need it for that. The heart surgeon is very hopeful for a successful surgery tomorrow. Obviously, there are many risks with this surgery…it will be her most risky surgery as they will be doing the most amount of reconstructive work on her heart. Also, the fact that she is only a few days old makes any surgery risky. Please be in prayer for her tomorrow…for the doctors, nurses, and staff…that God will strengthen her and allow her to recover from such an invasive surgery…that the doctors will find her heart in the best possible condition tomorrow when they open her up and evaluate. Also, the 2 weeks following her surgery will also be critical recovery time for her. At the end of that time, we should know much more about the success of the surgery.
Regarding her esophagus…they have found that she does have esophageal atresia, meaning that there is a space in the esophagus that does not connect. As so many have said…she is a fighter. She handled the smaller surgery on Monday very well. They put a tube into her abdomen which will eventually feed her until her heart gets stronger. There is a surgery that will connect the esophagus, but will not be done until the heart is very stable. The good news is that they thought there might be an abnormal connection of her esophagus and trachea, which would affect her lungs…and she does not have that. They believe that will be the better of the conditions to have for her heart.
This little fighter has a lot going on, but there are many positives as well. She is resting very comfortably without much medication at this point. She’s very strong. Philip and I got to spend a lot of time with her today, and she even opened her eyes for us for about 5 minutes, which we loved!!! Eliana LOVES her, and brought her some balloons today which they have tied by her bed. Here was Eliana’s prayer for her the other night…”Thank you, Jesus, for Baby Sister. Help her heart that makes her so sick, and send her an angel so that she can sleep all night”. It makes me cry, too.
We love all of you and thank you again for all of your prayers. We are praying expecting God for healing...please join us…thank you so much for sharing this with us…
The Mortons