July 22, 2010
Hello everyone,
This is Sarah Morton giving you an update on Miss Glory Danielle Morton. Kerry arrived at the hospital around 9am and was promptly checked in to a room. From there we started the waiting game. Of course, there was the usual pre-op stuff to do and paperwork, and this and that. Then, apparently, there was a more serious case ahead of her so we waited a little longer. Around 1:15pm, they wheeled Kerry back to the OR to begin the c-section. That part went very well. And, Glory came and was breathing on her own. Very shortly after she was born, the team from Arkansas Children’s Hospital came through the waiting room wheeling Miss Glory’s carriage. After an hour or so of prep, Glory came back through the waiting room on her way to transport. I can tell you personally how absolutely beautiful she is! She looks just like a Morton baby, gorgeous in every way…but perhaps I am a bit biased. Oh, she weighed somewhere around 6lbs. None of us here can remember and Philip is at ACH with all the paperwork stuff. Well, I suppose that’s something to look forward to in the next email.
At this moment, the doctors at ACH are doing more evaluation on Glory. The extend of her condition is still unknown to us, but having been to ACH, I am certain that the necessary things are being done in a timely manner. We want to thank all of you for your prayers and concern. We would ask you to continue to intercede for baby Glory. Also, we will continue to update you as we learn more, but for now she is doing well and is resting comfortably. And, Kerry is resting comfortably, too.
More to come,