July 19, 2010
Hello, everyone…sorry it has been over a week since I have updated you on what’s going on here in Little Rock. If you were getting this update from Eliana, she would tell you she’s having the best vacation ever! She has gone to the zoo (see attached), the Museum of Discovery, the park, a hot rod show (bet you can’t guess who took her to that), and numerous other things I can’t even remember right now. She has not seemed to miss home at all, which is a huge blessing to me. It is also a huge blessing to have my mom and Paula here to help entertain her. Also, I am blessed to have my husband here, as there are many staying here while their spouses must stay at home.
Physically, I am ready for Thursday. I had a little scare last Monday…I fell getting out of the car. Everything was fine…we had a doctor’s appointment the next day, and they monitored Glory for about an hour and she was doing fine. It just really shook me up and upset me, but I’m much better now. We had another appointment on Friday, and Glory is still doing really well. They are monitoring her each time I go in to see how she is handling the contractions, and she is handling them just fine. The nurse on Friday seemed doubtful that I would make it until Thursday with all of the contractions and fluid, but I really feel that I will. As long as I adhere to my “modified bed rest”, I seem to be able to keep the contractions under controlJ At this point, they are really just monitoring my pregnancy since there is not much more we can know about Glory until she gets here. We have our last doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and then we go to Labor and Delivery at UAMS at 9 on Thursday morning.
Emotionally and spiritually, I’m having a bit more of a rough time as Thursday draws nearer. There is a part of me that wants to keep Glory safe and happy with me, and the other part of me that just wants her to arrive so we can see what is going on. I kind of go from one extreme to the other. A good friend of a good friendJ sent me the following passage from a devotional she read this week, and it truly sums up how I feel…
Strengthen the weak hand, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are of a fearful heart, "Be strong, do not fear!" Isaiah 35:3-4
I am sitting here tonight, anxious for what tomorrow might bring. I start a new life tomorrow one way or another, and all those old anxieties are popping up again. God, I am scared and I know the only way to move beyond fear is to move through it, so I am turning it all over to you, trusting that whatever is meant to be will be, and that I will have the strength to deal will whatever comes my way. I will keep my focus on all the good in my life, and on your steadfast belief in me, even when I doubt myself.
Thank you, Tara, for passing this along…I’m not good with words and this conveys how I feel. The part that really captures my thoughts is the fact that on Thursday (if not beforeJ), our lives will change one way or another, we just don’t know how yet. Philip and I have discussed that we are grateful to God that we will have a story to tell…His story. But that does not make it easy right now. We want to know the conclusion, but it’s not for us to know yet. It is a time to trust.
Please continue to stand with us in proclaiming wholeness and healing for Glory. A good friend visited me the other day, and she reminded me that God loves to surprise us with blessings, etc. I do not doubt God’s ability to heal and restore. Please pray that our will for Glory will be aligned with His will for her. I am also asking for you to pray for all of the details of Thursday (or whenever her birth may be). I find myself becoming anxious about all of the right doctors being there, or will Philip be with me in the delivery room, etc. I know that God does not want me to be anxious because I know he has the details worked out. And above all else, please pray as you feel led by the Spirit.
Again, words cannot express our gratitude for sharing this burden with us. We will continue to keep you updated…
The Mortons